January 24 National Peanut Butter Day

When I told my husband it was National Peanut Butter Day, he nearly wept with joy.  His favorite food in the world is peanut butter cookies.  So my decision to ‘celebrate everyday life’ today was easy:  make peanut butter cookies!  My husband visited me several times in the kitchen to monitor the progress and ask …

January 23 National Pie Day

I’m in the kitchen and cooking again, inspired by National Pie Day. It’s been quite some time since I’ve made a chocolate meringue pie, and I love them, so that is what I chose to attempt.  The recipe comes from The Good Housekeeping Illustrate Cookbook I received over 27 years ago as a wedding gift.  It is …

January 22 National Blonde Brownie Day

Cooking is not my strong point, but I love to eat!  I assume the only way I will get better cooking is to practice.  Therefore, I am challenging myself to try some new recipes.  Home made from scratch is so much better than store bought! Today is National Blonde Brownie Day, otherwise known as Blondies. …

January 21 Squirrel Appreciation Day

Squirrel Appreciation Day!?!?  Who knew?  I love seeing squirrels, but hate it when they get into my bird feeders. To honor Squirrel Appreciation Day, I am going to spend some time outdoors. If the weather is good in your area, take a walk in park or find a local trail.  You’ll have an adventure and …

January 20 National Cheese Lover’s Day

Today we celebrate the power of cheese!  Give yourself permission to indulge in your favorite cheesy dinner.  What a wonderful excuse to eat out at your favorite Mexican or Italian restaurant.  And as long as you are going out to eat, make it a date night or invite some friends. I’ll be ordering a take …