January 20 National Cheese Lover’s Day

Today we celebrate the power of cheese!  Give yourself permission to indulge in your favorite cheesy dinner.  What a wonderful excuse to eat out at your favorite Mexican or Italian restaurant.  And as long as you are going out to eat, make it a date night or invite some friends.

I’ll be ordering a take out pizza and settling on the couch to watch a movie with my husband and son!  You might ask yourself:  how is this any different from any other night I don’t have time to make dinner? I’m challenging myself to focus on my ‘cheesy pizza’, movie, and my family.  I will dim the lights, ignore any clutter and unopened mail; I won’t jump up to switch the laundry; I won’t check Facebook or e-mails. Multi-tasking during my fun time just diminishes my enjoyment.

If you choose to celebrate National Cheese Lover’s Day, enjoy your food and enjoy the people around you!  Tomorrow will take care of itself.


The results:  I really enjoyed getting take out pizza instead of making dinner – but that was about as much as I managed at this first attempt.  HA!  My husband wanted to wait a night to watch a movie and my son was not feeling well and wanted to play video games.  Me?  Well I was so excited about launching this new blog and setting up Pinterest and Facebook accounts, I didn’t manage to focus on anything!  I hope your evening was more successful.  Meanwhile, I remind myself:  if shifting my priorities was easy, I would have been successful a long time ago.  I do find myself excited about having plans to spend time outside tomorrow!